
Introduction to Program

Category Introduction
Ideal Candidate A food business professional who is passionate about innovation, sustainability, and consumer well-being
Core Competencies Food science knowledge, Business acumen, and Product Development
Educational Objective The Food Business Management program aims to train professionals who can work in various fields of the food industry. The main goal is to train talent who can meet consumer demands in a rapidly changing food market environment, produce safe and healthy food, and contribute to the development of a sustainable food industry.
  • Operation of a practical education program centered on training professional manpower with the knowledge and skills required in the Korean food industry
  • Operation of a global capacity building education program to understand the diversity of world food culture and foster communication and cooperation skills
  • Strengthening artistic creativity for menu and product development based on scientific knowledge and analytical skills
Degree Bachelor of Business Administration
Career Opportunities Korean cuisine at home and abroad
Menu development for food and restaurant businesses
Food company management

Program Highlights

Curriculum Completion System

Curriculum Organization

Grade Semester Category Title of Course Credit Total
1 Fall Liberal Arts Basic Korean (1) 3 13
Career exploration Seminar 1
Basic Introduction to Management 3
Introduction to Economics 3
General Chemistry 3
Spring Liberal Arts Basic Korean (2) 3 13
JJ Freshmen Seminar 1
Basic Customer Services 3
Introduction to Accounting 3
Tourism Resources 3
2 Fall Liberal Arts Basic Korean (3) 3 16
Job design Seminar (2) 1
Basic Culture & Tourism 3
Food Microbiology 3
Leadership 3
Understanding Business Data 3
Spring Liberal Arts Basic Korean (4) 3 16
Job design Seminar (1) 1
Basic Food Biochemistry 3
Introductory Financial Accounting 3
Human Resource Management 3
Strategic Management 3
3 Fall Liberal Arts Basic Korean (5) 3 16
Career development Seminar (2) 1
Basic Organization Management 3
Service Strategy 3
Customer Behavior 3
Korean Food Culture Contents 3
Spring Liberal Arts Basic Korean (6) 3 16
Career development Seminar (1) 1
Basic Basic Marketing 3
Festival Contents Planning 3
Korean Food Basics and Applications 3
Brand Management 3
4 Fall Major Food Nutrition 3 12
Western Cuisine Training 3
Food Sanitation 3
Fermented Food Science 3
Spring Major Functional Foods 3 9
Food Biotechnology 3
Korean Food 3

Course Descriptions

> Major Elective Courses

Courses / Descriptions
Food Nutrition
Food Nutrition is a course that delves into the scientific study of food and its components, particularly as they relate to human health and nutrition. This course typically covers a wide range of topics, including: Nutrients, Food Composition, Digestion and Metabolism, Nutritional Requirements, Dietary Guidelines, Malnutrition, Food Safety and Quality
Western Cuisine Training
Western Cuisine Training is a comprehensive course designed to introduce students to the diverse world of Western culinary arts. This course will cover a wide range of topics, from the history and cultural significance of Western cuisine to the fundamental techniques and skills required to prepare classic and contemporary dishes.
Food Sanitation
The food Sanitation course provides basic principles of food sanitation for ensuring the safety, wholesomeness, and soundness of food at all stages from its growth, production or manufacture until its final consumption. Also covers food sanitation codes and their adaptations in restaurants.
Fermented Food Science
The fermented Food Science covers principles and methods of food processing and preservation in order to utilize agricultural products effectively including traditional fermented food, and to develop new food products with increased storage, safety, commerciality, preference and quality.
Functional Foods
The functional Foods course covers the basic knowledge required to develop new functional foods by studying the definition of functional foods and the types of functional foods available on the market, as well as scientific data analyzing the ingredients of these foods and the effects of whole foods on health.
Food Biotechnology
In the Food Biotechnology course, you can acquire the basic genetic and molecular biology principles of life phenomena, understand the diversity of biotechnology applied to living organisms, and learn techniques for utilizing it in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, food, energy, resources, and the environment.
Korean Food
Korean Food is a course designed to introduce students to the rich and diverse world of traditional and contemporary Korean Food. Through this course, students will explore the history, culture, and culinary techniques behind these beloved treats.

Career Opportunities