College of Business Administration
The College of Business aims at nurturing the entrepreneurs and business managers who have both theoretical knowledge and practical experiences. The college has put top priority on the leadership education that fosters basic literacy for business area and entrepreneurship in domestic and international economic and business environment. For further development, detailed courses in economics, finance and insurance, real estate, business administration, logistics trade, and accountancy are required to be taken.
StarNet program (200 companies and industry-academy cooperation program) and Star Track program (professional certification preparation, civil exam preparation class, preparation for foreign language skill improvement) are run in order to realize the educational purpose more effectively. The college has fully committed to the education for our students.
Through the operation of specialized study programs for a variety of official certificates, lots of excellent professional management personnels such as loss accountant, certified public accountant and tax accountant have been produced.
In addition, the college tries to foster the future-oriented talented persons who also have globalized business outlook through the exchange student system and double degree system with foreign universities such as USA and China.
Dept. of Business Administration
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Dept. of Finance and Insurance
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Dept. of Logistics and International Trade
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Dept. of Real Estate and National Spacial Information
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Dept. of Accounting and Tax
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Dept. of IT Finance
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Dept. of Business Administration
The 21st century is often described as a place where globalization and unlimited competition happens all the time. Thus, business management ability is an essential part of all organizations. The department of business administration aims to educate and train prepared GLOCAL experts, able to flexibly respond to in this era of fast change. The curriculum of this department is designed to help student learn a balanced knowledge of what business administration is about. It also provides opportunities for students to participate in co-op programs to experience and learn working-level business.
Name | Lee Ki Hoon | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2279 | |
Name | Lee Sang Woo | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2266 | |
Name | Jeong Hee Joon | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2716 | |
Name | Kim, Jin Sung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | MIS, e-Business, DataBase systems, System analysis & design, Website analysis & design, ICT smart information systems, Big data, Intelligent information systems | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2932 | |
Name | Jeon, Ki-Heung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2709 | |
Name | Kim Ju Ran | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Advertising Principles / Consumer Behavior / Marketing Strategy and Practice | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2972 | |
Name | ZHU HUIQIN | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3228 | |
Name | HYUN SUNG OH | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Human Resource Manangement, Organizational Behavior, Organinzational Structure, Ethical Management, Leadership & Motivation(Post graduate), Organizational Psychology(Post graduate) | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2059 | |
Name | Jinsoo Park | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2260 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17527 | Introduction to Department of Business Administration | This course introduces the curriculum and interdisciplinary programs within the Department of Business Administration, linking core disciplines to essential corporate functions to support students in career selection and vision setting after graduation. By covering faculty composition, club activities, and alumni employment outcomes, the course deepens students’ understanding of the major. It aims to help students grasp the practical skills and career pathways available through their studies in business administration. |
14400 | Introduction to Accounting | This course provides the basic objectives and concepts of accounting, and introduces the accounting cycle, from transactions to the preparation of financial statements, and lectures on the fundamental uses of financial statements. |
15797 | Management Information Systems | This course is designed for business school students who want an in-depth look at how modern business firms use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Student will find here the most up-to-date comprehensive overview of information systems, telecommunications, Internet, wireless technology, securing information system, e-Commerce, and other methodologies and technologies used by business firms today. |
05235 | Principles of Marketing | Principles of Marketing course introduce the process of planning, doing, and controlling of serious management activities adopted to maximize the welfare of customers resulting from their choices and satisfaction. Particularly marketing mix, which is known as 4ps; products, place, price and promotion, will be examined in the course. |
13790 | Operations Management | This course is an introduction to operations management. Operations, like accounting, finance, marketing, and human resources, is one of the primary functions of every organization. Operations managers transform human, physical, and technical resources into goods and services. Hence, it is vital that every organization |
05239 | Financial Management | In this course, students will find answers to three kinds of important corporate financial questions. First, what long-term investments should the firm take on?(Capital Budgeting) Second, how can cash be raised for the required investments?(financial decision) Third, what short-term investments should the firm take on and how should they be financed?(short-term finance) |
11536 | Decision Making of Management | In all aspects of our lives, an amazing diversity of data is available for inspection and for giving insights. Business managers and decision makers are increasingly encouraged to justify decisions on the basis of data. This course will start the students off with a quantitative toolkit that can be developed and enhanced at all stages of their careers. |
10293 | Advertising | This course provides an overview of the development of major media such as newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios and that of advertisingindustry. It also explores and explains the relationship between advertising and mass media. It dynamically presents explanations for how social systems and adverting have changed as well. |
05256 | Microeconomics | The basic idea of microeconomics is to explain and analyze the motivations and consequences of decisions made by individuals and business firms. The theories and assumptions discussed in this class are often controversial, and occasionally unreasonable, but they are always intended to provide guidance to observers and policymakers about important economic questions. |
15794 | Design of Web Sites | This course shows how digital firms analyze and design their web sites for on-line business. It includes web design using HTML (Hypertext Markup Languages), XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Java, and other web programming technologies and does not require any prior knowledge of HTML or web design. Throughout the course students learn how to plan and design effective web pages; enhance web pages with the use of page layout techniques, text formatting, graphics, images, and multimedia; produce a functional multi-page-website; and etc. |
14707 | Financial Accounting | Review of basic accounting concepts and theories and financial statements accounts, followed by in-depth coverage of assets, liabilities and stockholder equity sections of the balance sheet. |
05233 | Organizational Behavior | Introduction to individual and group behavior in an organizational context. Major topics include personality, motivation, leadership, group dynamics, and decision- making theories |
14705 | Introduction to Investment analysys | In this course, students examines the theory and analytical methods used in security evaluation and financial investment. Specifically, students will study theories such as portfolio theory and capital asset pricing model, and investment techniques. |
10970 | Human Resource Management | Covers selection, placement, training, and promotion of human resources, based on the principles of human resource management. Also discusses the management of manpower planning, and labor relations. |
06236 | Quantitative Management | The purpose of this course is to help students understand the scientific management through quantitative and statistical methods, and learn the econometric tools for decision-making about various management problems. Especially, relating to statistical tools, the course deals with regression models and time-series analysis. |
16753 | International Commerce | China played a role in driving force of the world economy, and China is largest trading partners and target country of people-to-people exchanges to South Korea. In this international environment, South Korea is geographically nearest to China, and the future of the Korean economy and China's economic development has a close relationship. And so, The purpose of this class is to understanding China's internal and external economic and trade environment, to observe China's internationalization and the case study of Chinese enterprises to enter the overseas market, and to learn Chinese counter- |
15101 | Global Management | Issues and problems arising in international business, with emphasis on decisions facing multinational corporations (MNCs). Topics include MNC international business environments, strategies, and functional management. |
15102 | Management of Financial Institute | In this course, we study the management methods for financial institutions. We study interest rate theories, hedging of risk of interest rate so that the financial institutions can pursue both efficiency and proficiency. |
15103 | Enterprise Risk Management | Necessity of enterprise risk management can be ascertained through the survey of historical development of enterprise risk management. Process can be divided into risk identification, risk analysis and risk control. To prevent or avoid diverse risks in enterprise can the various methods, for example, insurance, futures and option, can be considered. |
15105 | Database Systems | Database design is crucial to implement business information systems. This course covers database design and the use of database management systems for business applications. In this course, we discuss the parts of a dataset, how to model data, database construction, and developing a database application in a business environment. These skills are fundamental to managing database-backed enterprise information systems, web sites, and other related applications. |
15104 | Marketing & Opinion Survey | It analyzes the taste of consumers and the trends of public opinion by surveying customers and by applying theories of statistics. The students will acquire applicability to any survey of public opinion, and that is necessary for planning and analyzing effects of advertisements and public relations. |
15106 | Marketing Communication | Marketing Communication approaches advertisements, public relations, sales promotions and personal sales from the viewpoint of integrate communication. Based on communication theories, the course is to breed effective communication skills and abilities to analyze information senders, information contents, media, information receivers and communication effects etc. |
15107 | Venture Management | This course is designed for students who are seeking to go into business for themselves, join an entrepreneurial venture, become involved in technology management in a large corporation, get into the venture financing field, e.g., venture capital, and/or learn entrepreneurial activities in various settings. |
15108 | Futures & Option | Covers financial and commodity futures and option pricing theory. Topics include hedging strategies with options and futures, investment strategies using arbitrage opportunities, the pricing of bond and stock options, and the pricing of forward and futures contracts. |
15109 | Consumer Behavior | Consumer Behavior course aims at delivering students systemic understandings of consumers'buying behavior by analyzing patterns of the potential customers who are the ultimate targets of the company from the aspects of psychology, sociology and microeconomics. It covers the theories and case studies of consumer information process and customer decision process. |
15110 | Internet Marketing | The Internet business has been rapidly grown up in practical manners and taken the key position in global business. While it is true that some practices go further than theories, it is more likely that any practice without theoretical bases will be risky. It is also well accepted that Internet marketers armored with theories and practices are the most needed in the modern Internet business arenas. The Internet Marketing course, thus, focuses on fostering professional Internet marketers by explaining the newest theories and practices of the field. |
15143 | Organizational Structure | Based upon classical and contemporary organization structures and field research, this chair studies a structural analysis and design of organizations, focusing on the impacts that organizations have upon individuals and society. |
15112 | Intelligent Information Systems | The course shows the technical aspects of the business applications and intelligent technologies that are used for gathering, storing, analyzing, sharing, and accessing information to help make better business decisions. Students will investigate how to model, design, and utilize business intelligence systems by using online-transaction-processing (OLTP), online analytical-processing (OLAP) systems, and other data mining (DM) technologies. It includes data-integration framework, data warehousing, data mining, business intelligence, DSS (Decision Support Systems), ES (Expert Systems), SCM/ERP |
15114 | Total Quality Management | This course attempts to study the tactical and strategic issues defining, measuring and managing product and service quality in organizations. The need to learn and understand the principles of total quality has become increasingly obvious in recent years because many organizations strongly urge colleges and universities to incorporate total quality into the curriculum. The topics considered include the concepts of quality, strategic quality planning, quality performance measurement, employee empowerment, and quality management activities in production. |
15242 | e-Business | In the course, students will be able to understand the ICT-based e-Business concepts, models, and infrastructure how they are different from the traditional commerce and business activities. Moreover, the students will learn how e-Business concepts and models are applicable to different fields, such as: banking, tourism, traffic, transportation, logistics, education, food, healthcare, and so on. During the course, each student is expected to select a topic related to current issues, and participate in a term project. |
13791 | Business Analysis | In this course, comprehensive analyses of various factors affecting corporate value-creating abilities are emphasized, rather than the myopic approach. It deals with how to analyze accounting and other informations in security valuation, as well as covering how to use accounting information in strategic decision making, management efficiency improvement, and management control systems design. |
16487 | Business Internship | The business internship subject is designed to give some business experience based on the closer industry-university cooperation systems to students on department of business administration. This subject is also operated to give credits students. In this class the students will gain valuable opportunities to explore major business functions such as personnel management, organization, accounting, financing, slaes & marketing and operations management. The focus of this subject is to create opportunity of industry-university cooperation and to involves on-the-job training on exposing study. |
14581 | Business English | This course aims to raise the capability for the global management trend and management practices. The level for English Reading is medium, which is enough for reading management trade journals and newspapers. |
12254 | Business Strategy | The aim of this course is to show how marketing, finance, production and human resources blend into a cohesive strategic plan that provides a directional focus for the organization. Specific topics include industry analysis, competitive strategic analysis, analyzing internal strategic resources and capabilities, business level strategies and tactics and managing strategic change. |
13443 | International Corporate Finance | Multinational corporations and international corporations will inevitably use financing or portfolio investment, international financial markets in the course of foreign direct investment or joint venture, strategic alliances, and trading activities etc. The purpose of the course is to initiate the knowledge of global financial to international business executives whom implement international business activity. |
12668 | Technology & Management | This course will study technological information as a input of production in the context of knowledge-base or new economy. The course deals with invention, innovation, R&D process, patents, technology management, diffusion, entrepreneurship, and the effect of new technology on the economy. |
08423 | Management Seminars | The enterprise hold against the economic location which it does and a social location it studies. Together it studies the change company back of change company of the enterprise and our country big business it discusses together. |
15449 | Business Ethics | This course helps identify the practical issues of recognizing and responding to ethical dilemmas and discovering the link between good ethics and good business. The contents of this lecture is are (1) the concepts of Ethics, (2) Business Enterprise and Ethics, (3) Code of Ethics in Korea, (4) Various ideas about the ethics of business enterprise. |
05222 | Industrial Relations | Industrial relations treats the future-oriented direction between labor and management through the review of the past experiences and cases in Korean enterprises, with the ideas of collective bargaining between labor and management, contracting and practicing of labor agreement, and ideas and operations of management participation and others being dealt with. |
15448 | Marketing Internship | This course introduces preliminary knowledge for conducting real marketing. It examines various cases of actual marketing and, thus, leads students to analyze causes of success or failure. The students will be ready for applying the theories learned from the classes to the real cases by end of the course. |
11553 | Analysis of Marketing Data | This course delves into statistical methods in order for collecting data, understanding and analyzing types and features of surveys, which are very important to utilize opportunities in business enterprise. It particularly provides methodological bases for systemic study of phenomena in advertising and public relations. It also leads students to learn how to plan studies, prepare methods, conduct plans, examine outcomes and report results. |
10918 | Brand Management | The brand power has been developed as one of the core factors in global competition. The main goal of this course is to provide students with strategic ways of thinking for brand management and understandings for brand equity building process. |
12669 | Service management | Service management, also called IT service management, is the discipline used in industries that provide services or a combination of goods and services. While widely used in the IT industry, specifically the ICT (information and Communication Technology) sector, service management can be integrated into many other industries. |
15447 | Asset Management | To maintain one's life standard in whole life time, the asset management is necessary. As a methods of asset management, we can enumerate social security, private pension, entrepreneur annuity and other financial product. To choose proper financial product in our life, the method of asset management will be discussed in the lecture. |
15113 | Bond Analysis | In this course, we study the issuing market and circulating market for bonds and term structure theory, valuation techniques for bonds and the asset based securities. Also we study the durations of bonds, interest rate futures, interest rate swaps, interest rate options. |
Dept. of Finance and Insurance
The department aims to educate and train finance/insurance experts who can contribute to their country and local community, as well as actively handle problems in this global age of high information technology. To realize this, not only we provide intensified regular courses, but also some special seminars and lectures, small group study groups, and StarTrack, etc.
Name | Lee Kyung-Jae | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Introduction to Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, Theory of Claim Adjusting / Insurance law / Reading & Writing, Humanities | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2246 | |
Name | Jun, Han-Deok | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Insurance Contract Law, Insurance Business Act, Civil Law, Case Study on Insurance Contract Law | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2120 | |
Name | Hyunboc, Lee | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Investment(Investment analysis and portfolio Management), Financial Institution Management, Risk Management, Insurance(Life, Non-life), | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2086 | |
Name | Lee Yun Suk | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2240 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17710 | Property & Casualty Insurance | The fire insurance which is a fundamental objection and a damage insurance item of damage insurance and transportation insurance, sea insurance, with the summary explanation against a liability insurance and a auto insurance and damage insurance against the other insurance back which wears the character which is similar it lectures |
17711 | Financial Risk Management TheoryⅠ | This course covers the definitions, assessment methods, and management strategies of various financial risks (credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, and life cycle risk) faced by companies and individuals |
17712 | Financial Risk Management Theory Ⅱ | This course aims to cultivate the practical financial planning capabilities of individuals and companies by applying an understanding of the various financial risks (credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, and life cycle risk) that companies and individuals face to real-life cases |
17533 | The More You Know, The More Useful: A Guide to Finance, Insurance, and Claims Adjusting | The Department of Finance and Insurance aims to provide a broad and practical education necessary for employment in financial institutions (banks, securities firms), insurance companies (including mutual aid associations), pension funds, and other related fields. "The high employment rates of our seniors attest to this fact. The guide to finance, insurance, and claims adjusting explains the basics of finance, the necessity of insurance, and the value-efficient world of claims adjusting in an easy and engaging manner through various examples and case studies. Additionally, it is a Finance and Insurance Fair that provides a detailed and candid explanation of career prospects and salary and benefits after graduation |
06732 | Insurance contract law | It understands the gain and loss against the legal relationship regarding a general insurance contract and the current insurance law and an application and interpretation method and the law regarding a various legal system it lectures. |
15450 | Introduction to Insurance | This course covers the general principles of insurance. It covers basic elements of insurance, life insurance, non-life insurance, and social insurance. This course will help students to understand the essential contents to enter into insurance details. |
07702 | Finance and Insurance Law | The financial insurance industry it belongs in upper act and it stands but with act at generality at character of that enterprise has the quality which is different unique. Against an excessive feature and a concrete contents in the contract law which relates with a financial insurance transactions it lectures. |
06744 | Introduction to Finance | The financial section money, finance and selling and buying agency back financially with main subject it pushes and it introduces it analyzes an enemy foundation, the trade name fire tube relationship of financial section and the others section and from the citizen economic side. |
14184 | Civil Law | The underlying theory of justice as a discipline is the basis of all life, particularly in the life insurance sector is absolutely necessary. Thus, according to the order of the Code of Civil teaching and exploring theories focusing on German law, but especially in South Korea court issued a precedent and add American law theory passed on to students in-depth study of each country and of the scholars in each field theories should be compared. |
06753 | Theory of Life Insurance | From necessity and quality and national economy of life insurance hold the location which it does, type of life insurance, the outfield it recruits, contract maintenance, it lectures the insurance money urgent, a responsibility reserve fund reserving method and the property use back. |
06150 | Theory of Claim Adjusting | Questionable matter of damage situation, the general principal regarding the process back and insurance item star damage situation hour regarding the element back must consider it lectures. |
05408 | Automobile Insurance | It explains the advancement process and the function of auto insurance and it explains it divides with stipulation contents it lectures an auto insurance relation law and a auto insurance with automobile liability insurance and and and full insurance contract undertaking and the damage situation method back. |
13461 | Gray Zone Insurance | Gray zone insurance includes personal accident insurance and sickness insurance. Coverage for accidental injury, accidental death , or sickness ; also called Accident and Sickness Insurance. Benefits include paid hospital expenses, medical expenses. surgical expenses, and income payments. |
15808 | Workmen's compensation & Liability Insurance Practice | With questionable matter and developmental process of liability insurance to observe it reports, against a various compensation liability insurance stipulation it lectures |
09799 | Financial Instituion Management | It grasps the type and a business territory of week act self-acknowledgement financial institutions of money market and recently the property debt civil official who accomplishes the center of the financial institution civil official and the dangerous civil official it understands the management of the financial institution in the center. |
07762 | Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management | The rain loach it learns a selecting of the investment object which is fit and investment technique today in the basic principle regarding the property use of the financial insurance industry and my law. |
15931 | Accident insurance medical science | This course combines fundamental theory and practice related to body structure and injury in insurance medicine which is an important part of the damage assessment. |
15807 | Life Insurance Practice | This course is designed to provide students with asset management accounting, marketing, taxation, risk selection and actuation, etc. |
16755 | Special lecture on loss insurance | Private insurance also serves as a supplement to social insurance. As a result, there are many social issues related to private insurance. Insurance Special Lecture is a subject that examines loss insurance, which serves as a supplement to health insurance, and work insurance, which serves as a supplement to industrial accident insurance, and studies and presents other insurance issues that are social issues. |
08803 | Civil Law | The law objection at the fundamental administration of justice regarding the financial insurance contract back security volume it is a precondition of legal relationship and financial insurance of financial insurance subject in the center, and it finds a contract law objection and a compensation principle of law. |
16686 | mutual aid association | Knowledge of the establishment, grounds, operational status, relevant laws, insurance policy, etc. of the mutual aid association |
07807 | Policy of Finance & Insurance | Supervision administration and policy of the nation against a financial insurance industry with developmental history of insurance industry it investigates the tendency together and it learns the contents and a method of insurance supervision. |
08804 | Financial dispute instance | Financial dispute instance of domestic and instance of the world-wide various nations it leads and it compares and a problem point and a reform measure it presents. |
06748 | Social Insurance | It explains the type and the form back of magnification necessity and medical insurance, workmen's accident compensation insurance, unemployment insurance and national annuity back of social insurance and it gropes the presentation and a policy direction of problem point. |
16754 | Claim Adjustment Case | Claim adjustment cases are subjects that introduce Claim adjustment cases related to insurance accidents. Understand the theory of the content of the issue in the Claim adjustment cases and examine how the theory was applied in the case. After analyzing the case, discussion can broaden your insight. |
13406 | The gray insurance | Explain theory and practical about the third insurance. |
15805 | Insurance Medical Science Practice | As moral problems such as insurance fraud have been an issue in the insurance market, this lecture will focus on combining basic theory and practice about insurance medical science(disease) which takes a big part in the insurance adjustment. |
05451 | Business Law | With the company system which is a financial insurance subject the management and the efficient characteristic of financial insurance industry studying against the law which relates with him to lead and in order to raise. |
Dept. of Logistics and International Trade
Along with the start of the Saemangeum era as the new growth engine of the Korea the globalized business activities, the expansion of Chinese business opportunities, and the spread of FTA, demand for global business experts is increasing more and more. Thus, the field of logistics, distribution and global trade is popular as the one with the highest employment opportunities.
Responding to these needs, the Department of Logistics and Trade of Jeonju University bring up global business talent through local volunteer services, personality education, practical education coincidence with the need of business industry, university and industry cooperation program.
Name | Ahn Jong-seok | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2680 | |
Name | Yang Jungho | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2808 | |
Name | Song Min Geun | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2217 | |
Name | LEE, JINCHEOL | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2093 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17528 | Logistics and Trade Insights with Amazon and Coupang Case | This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts and principles of logistics and trade. Designed for beginners, this course provides a beginner-friendly approach to the basic elements and practical processes in logistics management, supply chains, and international trade by using case studies from Amazon and Coupang. |
14643 | Logistics Management | Deals with the concepts and methodologies related to effective decision-making in business logistics management. Topics include the management of transportation and distribution, inventory control, production planning and scheduling, international logistics and logistics organization. |
15985 | Business English | This Course aims to learn and train ways and useful expressions for smooth communication in various situations related to international business activities, such as transaction negotiation, business meetings, presentations, and business trips, so that they can be used for everyday business activities. |
14637 | Introduction to Accounting | This course provides the basic objectives and concepts of accounting, and introduces the accounting cycle, from transactions to the preparation of financial statements, and lectures on the fundamental uses of financial statements. |
05237 | Global Management | Issues and problems arising in international business, with emphasis on decisions facing multinational corporations (MNCs). Topics include MNC international business environments, strategies, and functional management. |
16507 | Introduction to Economics of Business Enterprise | This subject aims at studying micro and macro economic issues fundamental to business management and environment as well as understanding essential characteristics on small business and starting business from the economic point of view. Based on this, corporate surveys for field practice will be conducted as well. |
05244 | Trade Practices | Commercial and legal study of international sales contract(including goods, service, intellectual property and technology), and contract of carriage, contract of marine insurance and contract of payment for the performance of sales contract, and discussion of remedies in case of the breach of contracts by way of arbitration. |
14642 | Introduction to International Trade | The student taking this course should aim to attain a familiarity with the major field features of the international trade policies, of the international trade strategy, of international trade friction, of world trade organizations, of international trade negotiations, of current international trade issues and of the ways in which international business deals with these problems. |
12037 | An Introduction to International Business Environment | Discusses foreign trade laws, international contracts for sale of goods, and the procedures and technical aspects of foreign trade. |
15709 | Introduction to Logistics Project Management | This course practice how to design and perform project in the logistics and distribution enterprise based on understanding logistics planning step and procedure. |
16289 | torage and Handling System | This Course aims to understand the storage and loading operations that support the efficient flow of goods through buffering of production and consumption in logistics management. In this regard, students will learn how to build, store and unload logistics network equipment and facilities, inventory management techniques and warehouse management system (WMS). |
06761 | Introduction to Distribution Channel Management | Designed to help students broaden their understanding of marketing problem related to distribution channel management and to develop analytical skills required to deal with those channel problems. |
16291 | Supply Chain Management | It is not possible for single company optimization only to get global competency, but possible for related supply chain optimization to do. Excellent supply chain management makes enterprise to achieve global competitive advantage. So Supply chain management which makes all of the supply chain optimized is very important issues. |
07587 | International Marketing | Discusses foreign trade laws, international contracts for sale of goods, and the procedures and technical aspects of foreign trade. |
06779 | International Logistics Management | Deals with basic principles of international transport logistics which is inevitable in international trade and business. Topics include logistics management, international transport, international logistics center, international logistics strategy and case studies. The role of international transportation systems, commercial, legal and economic aspects of various mode of transport are reviewed. |
16147 | Global Trade Cases Analysis | This course aims at learning about recent changes in the international trade environment and analyzing how these changes in the trade environment affect the international business of enterprises. |
11460 | Foreign Field Practice(I) | "Foreign Field Practice 1" provides students with an opportunity to make them experience small-scaled foreign trade in practice. It is done in China, one of the emerging world markets. |
14918 | International Business English | International Business English Ⅰ is tools for supporting international business communication process. This course studies interpretation and writing skills for business letter, contract, and other business letter forms. Key expressions for business communications will also be dealt with. |
15129 | Cases of Worldwide Excellent Companies | Deals with basic principles of international transport logistics which is inevitable in international trade and business. Topics include international logistics system, international transport, international logistics center, international logistics strategy and case studies. The role of international transportation systems, commercial, legal and economic aspects of various mode of transport are reviewed. |
15451 | Export Import Customs Practice | This course deals with export-import declaration and customs formalities which essentially pass through in the process of international business. Practical process about levy and collection of customs, confirm of country of origin, classification of items, customs refund and how to fill out documentation forms will mainly be learned. |
15791 | Internet Trade Practice | The objectives of this course are to understand theories of Internet Trade and to cultivate practical applications skills. This course also offers lectures on recent Internet Trade theories as well as opportunities to get hands-on lab experience. |
16687 | Introduction to Coupang Logistics | This course provides an overview of the principles of logistics and a case study of logistics companies and trends. The objective of this course is to provide basic education for the practical manpower needed by logistics and trade companies. |
16508 | ERP and Logistics Information System practice | This course studies structure, solution, operational procedure and methods of Logistics Information System for integrated management of Logistics. ERP System will be dealt with as a key element. |
05161 | International Business Policy | This subject focuses on strategic choice of international business manager to bring a solution to strategic issues. Specifically, this subject studies the recent changes of international business environments, the strategic choice of the firm in accordance with the changing international business environments, and the transnational company which emerged as a new direction of the firm in the international business field. |
11544 | International Business Manner | Several topics of business environments in real economy will be analyzed and discussed with the tools already acquired in the pre lecture courses like as microeconomics and macroeconomics. This course intends to create an understanding of the interdependences of the problems in overall economy which business firms often face, and to find some relevant strategies to solve them. |
12280 | Global Business Strategy | Examines the development of international business programs based on the evaluation and coordination of international market opportunities. This course emphasizes the application of basic business principles in multinational environments. |
15763 | Exercise for Trade Practice | This course exercise and practical process and methods for actual works which take place in the field of international trade based on trade practice knowledge learned from trade practice lecture. |
16506 | Logistics Laws and Regulations | Logistics practice is closely related to logistics policy, system and regulations of the nation where the control of logistics activity is made. Logistics Laws and Regulations which is one of the qualifying examination for logistics administrator requires understanding of legal system and organization about logistics related regulations. |
16509 | Startup Practice for Logistics and trade | This course reviews the practical process, law and system related to establishing and managing international business. To be more specific, it covers writing up a business plan, merchanding process, international marketing, international business practice and so on. |
15708 | Case Study on Logistics Innovation | The purpose of this course is to understand strategic points for design and operation of logistics system by case studies which give lessons of getting competitive advantage and improving performance through logistics innovation. Latest Logistics Trend will also be studied. |
15453 | International Local Market Study | Under the today's world market environments which are characterized as the simultaneous pressures of localization and globalization, this course explains some understandings of modern political, economic and cultural characteristics of major markets in the world and studies the localization experiences of Korean firms in those markets. |
16504 | Understanding of Coupang Logistics | This course provides a general introduction to CFS (Coupang Fulfillment Service) companies and the logistics industry, and learns the latest trends such as logistics infrastructure, fulfillment service, O2O, and O4O, and provides a broad understanding and creativity in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. |
Dept. of Real Estate and National Spacial Information
Real Estate Studies is an academic field that scrutinizes the problems arising from land use and housing from social per-spectives, in order to efficiently promote utilization, development, investment and management of real estates. As it is a field of study that researches the basic elements such as real estate and management, it is often regarded as a type of applied social science, and requires a high-level of knowledge, experience, and accurate decision making. In this de-partment, students will learn about the fundamentals of real estate business, as well as comprehensively cover related subjects such as laws and policy, investing in real estates, financial development, asset management.
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
15811 | Private Law on Real Estate 2 | This course aims to understand the basic system and prescriptive value related to the private law on real estate. It handles the private relationship of law which occurs between a right subject and object at real estate action. And it learns the foundation of the law concept which is useful for real life and grows the academic foundation of private law on real estate. |
14181 | Real Estate Law | The purpose of the subject(Real Estate Law) is to understand the basis concept and to applied ability of the laws related to real estate field such as real estate investment, development and management etc. The main contents of the subject are consisted of real estate laws relevant to tax, public and private law, resulting in the increase of understanding on real estate law and, of increasing of possibility acquiring the certificate of Real Estate Brokerage, Collective Housing Management and Real Estate Appraiser, which can be achieved in the real estate field. |
10443 | Real Estste Facility Management | This course gets an overview of the role and responsibilities of professional facility management. the topics of the course include followings: manpower requirements; preventive maintenance programs; repair programs; building security; financial planning and controls. It studies the introduction of common housing facility and management practice related to the certificate examination for common housing management. |
06977 | Real Estate Administration | This course covers residential, office, and retail properties provides an introduction to the principles and practices of real estate management. It enables the student to progress toward more specialized training of the real estate management. Topics include: forms of real estate ownership; budgeting and financial reports; marketing and leasing; emergency procedures; maintenance and property inspections; and employee relations |
15812 | Real Estate Case Study & Practices | This course studies the basic theories and the cases of real estate development and real estate investment. It cultivates the knowledge and an ability of analysis as an expert in real estate. This class is a project-based class in which students participate through presentations. |
11687 | Practice of Real Estate | Technical being financial and technical . which practices the process of legal validity analysis focusing on a concrete example for a real-estate-development enterprise The practical knowledge of real estate consulting about the market research and analysis of the plan and sale in lots of urban renewal, re-construction, etc., and real estate development, and investment validity analysis is mastered simultaneously. |
10449 | Real Estate Information system | It studies theories and practice related to real estate information system. It understands the management method of land information and LIS standardization, PBLIS. And it also studies the system and use method and operational principal of the real estate information network |
07853 | Real Estate Consulting | It studies the theory and practice of profitability promotion on real estate. Topics include : conceptualization, site acquisition, feasibility analysis, planning and design, the development process, financing, and reporting. It also consults various forms of development as well as a review of key issues in residential, retail, industrial, office, and low-income development projects. |
16302 | Real Estate proptech theory and Practices | Proptech is a compound word of property and technology, which means providing innovative real estate-related services by combining information and communication technology (ICT) such as mobile channels, big data analysis, and virtual reality (VR). The purpose of this class is to study the changes in the real estate market and related industries according to the development of ICT technology, and to improve professional skills by developing real estate service models through big data analysis. |
10983 | Real Estate Accounting | There is to management of real estate development and civil official Ub and for the gain and loss - a find of application plan of accounting treatability and accounting information the postulate, a principle, a law and the process back of fundamental concept and accounting of accounting it educates. |
Dept. of Accounting and Tax
This major focuses on training students who seek to acquire CFA license, and begin accounting practices such as tax accountant or revenue officers. The major is divided into two parts: intensified accounting practices, and experts in ac-counting.
Name | Kim Hyo-Jin | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3105 | |
Name | Kim NohChang | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-4633 | |
Name | Gong Kyungtae | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | cost & management accounting / audit / management analysis | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2218 | |
Name | Oh Hee Hwa | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Principles of Accounting / Intermediate Financial Accounting / Advanced Accounting / Government Accounting / Theories of Business Information Education / Accounting for M&A | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2170 | |
Name | Hwang Juhee | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Financial Accounting / Managerial Accounting / Governmental and Not For Profit Accounting | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2305 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17530 | Introduction to Accounting and Taxation | This course introduces the basics of accounting and taxation, emphasizing their role in business and economic activities, and explores essential knowledge for sound decision-making. |
06088 | Introduction to Accounting | This course provides the basic objectives and concepts of accounting, and introduces the accounting cycle, from transactions to the preparation of financial statements, and lectures on the fundamental uses of financial statements. |
17713 | Introduction to Financial Data | To enhance understanding of accounting information, this course covers key concepts in capital markets and finance and explores the use of data through relevant software tools. |
06766 | Management Accounting | Selection and preparation of information which will serve to support and assist management in planning and controlling company operations. The course includes cost estimation and reporting, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, variance analysis, cost allocation, and divisional performance evaluation. |
05251 | Cost Accounting | Survey and review of contemporary cost accounting systems; emphasis on preparation of cost information for management decision-making. Standard cost accounting concepts and procedures are also introduced. |
14716 | Intermediate Financial Accounting1 | Review of basic accounting concepts and theories and financial statements accounts, followed by in-depth coverage of assets, liabilities and stockholder equity sections of the balance sheet for 2 semesters. |
14720 | Intermediate Financial Accounting2 | Review of basic accounting concepts and theories and financial statements accounts, followed by in-depth coverage of assets, liabilities and stockholder equity sections of the balance sheet for 2 semesters. |
17408 | IT Accounting | Aims to provide students with a body of knowledge that includes the concepts of accounting information systems, especially managerial decision-making, control, accounting models, and information technology. Practical computer softwares in accounting and tax are also covered. |
14715 | Principles of Marketing | Principles of Marketing course introduce the process of planning, doing, and controlling of serious management activities adopted to maximize the welfare of customers resulting from their choices and satisfaction. Particularly marketing mix, which is known as 4ps; products, place, price and promotion, will be examined in the course. |
14718 | General Theory of Tax Science | A comprehensive lecture on the taxation, It tries to understand the nature of tax law and tax accounting. It delivers content as such basic theory of taxation, taxpayers, the rights and obligations of tax authorities. |
14719 | Financial Management | In this course, students will find answers to three kinds of important corporate financial questions. First, what long-term investments should the firm take on?(Capital Budgeting) Second, how can cash be raised for the required investments?(financial decision) Third, what short-term investments should the firm take on and how should they be financed?(short-term finance) |
14717 | Practices of Accounting Principles | A study of the essential foundations of financial accounting with English material. The course includes accounting and analysis techniques used in decision-making activities such as preparing financial statement and financial statement analysis. |
15132 | Tax Accounting1 | Study of general principles and practical applications of income tax and its associate issues. |
15134 | Tax Accounting2 | Study of general principles and practical applications of business tax and its associate issues. |
11557 | e-Accounting | Aims to provide students with a body of knowledge that includes the concepts of accounting information systems, especially managerial decision-making, control, accounting models, and information technology. Practical computer softwares in accounting and tax are also covered. |
15131 | Advanced Financial Accounting | Covers advanced accounting issues related to leases, earnings per share, convertible bonds, foreign exchange translation, deferred corporate tax, and consolidated financial statements etc. |
15604 | Global Management | Issues and problems arising in international business, with emphasis on decisions facing multinational corporations (MNCs). Topics include MNC international business environments, strategies, and functional management. |
13146 | Accounting for M&A | The purpose of this course is to learn how to account the merger and acquisition transactions, how to prepare the consolidated financial statements. In this course, we also study the related financial accounting standards in Korea and some useful cases. |
17529 | Tax Field Internship | Objective of this course is to promote the ability of the students in this course to apply their class-knowledges and service learning in real fields and to help them to find their good job with more ease and certain. |
15133 | Cost and Management Accounting for Examination | This lesson covers the major concepts and analytical tools of managerial and cost accounting. Through this, students will be aided to cultivate the practical and analytical abilities for organizational accounting and to prepare the CPA and CTA examinations. |
08007 | Financial Accounting for Examination | Review of main theoretical issues in financial accounting, enhancement of solving ability of financial accounting problems and cases, to provide much useful helps for qualification exams. |
09102 | Strategic Cost Management | Study of many cases on cost planning and control for management, with review on some managerial accounting issues to provide practical helps for business start-up. |
13478 | governmental accounting | The purpose of this course is to learn the process of recording, reporting the economic activities of the governmental organizations and the preparation of the required statements on these. For this, we will mainly study the rules or laws on national accounting standards and local accounting standards and finance acts. |
15135 | Introduction to Financial Investment | In this course, students examines the theory and analytical methods used in security evaluation and financial investment. Specifically, students will study theories such as portfolio theory and capital asset pricing model, and investment techniques. |
06569 | Auditing | Develops an understanding of the audit function as it exists in modern business and non-profit organizations. Topics include audit standards, ethics, audit evidence, including the application of statistics in sampling, analytical review of audit reports and external influences on audit practices. |
17032 | Accounting Data Analysis | Introduce students to basic ideas of probability and statistical distribution such as binomial distributions and normal distributions, estimation, hypothesis tests and simple regression, python, date analysis software of fraudit. |
15473 | e-Taxation | Aims to provide students with a body of knowledge that includes the concepts of accounting information systems, Practical computer softwares in tax are also covered. |
15701 | Value Added Tax Accounting | Study of practical applications of value added tax, providing much helps for qualification exams. |
08315 | Tax Accounting for Examination | Review on overall issues on tax law, Study existing problems and cases presented in qualification examinations. |
15471 | Financial Statement Analysis | Study of concepts and tools related to financial planning and control using financial statements. Topics include changes in working capital |
16492 | Practicum in Real Fields | Objective of this course is to promote the ability of the students in this course to apply their class-knowledges in real fields and to help them to find their good job with more ease and certain. |
11558 | Case Study for Accounting | Review on some financial and tax accounting issues with many practical cases fro real world business fields to provided for students with applicability of classroom knowledge to real world practices. |
06566 | Theory of Accounting | Objective of this course is to understand the essential function of accounting, control. |
Dept. of IT Finance
The IT finance department aims to cultivate experts who can lead the new financial industry by combining various IT techniques such as information processing and security, based on theoretical backgrounds in the financial market and financial products.
The IT finance department aims to cultivate creative intellectuals with both financial and IT capabilities who can lead the financial revolution in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The IT finance department aims to train creative and convergent and fintech professionals with IT-based financial capabilities, foster company oriented human resources through strengthening core capabilities, and operate practical curriculum that combines IT-based financial theory and practice.
The IT finance department has the advantage of finding or starting a business in fintech companies in addition to traditional places of employment such as backs and securities firms by learning both the existing financial knowledge and IT, which can be the foundation of new future financial transactions.
Name | Hyun-jung Kim | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2388 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17531 | Understanding of IT Finance Major | This course provides an overview of career paths and roles within the IT Finance major, guiding students through essential courses for each field. The course also covers foundational concepts in the financial industry, fintech technologies, data analysis, and programming, which underpin IT Finance studies. By the end of the course, students will have a general understanding of the IT Finance major. |
16322 | Basic Programming in Finance | This course studies the principle, composition and usage of programming as the basic approach for financial programming. |
16353 | Artificial intelligence basics and application | In this course, students understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and develop basic problem solving skills using open source software. |
17532 | Understanding Financial Engineering | This course aims to provide students with the ability to understand and use techniques to create new financial products or procedures that sayisfy investors with different preferences for different risks. |
16321 | Basic Statistics for Finance | Introduce students to basic ideas of probability and statistical distribution such as binomial distributions and normal distributions, estimation, hypothesis tests and simple regression necessary for the analysis of financial data. |
16682 | Macroeconomics | This course studies how major macroeconomic variables such as national income, employment and prices are determined in overall economy. We also deal with rigorously the links between these variables in order to understand the economy as a whole. In addition, we will cover the basic theory about business cycles, stabilization policy, unemployment-inflation and Phillips curve. |
16683 | Data Mining in Finance | This course provides data analysis and knowledge acquisition methods through the study of various data mining techniques to collect, store, query and analyze financial data corresponds to the basic ability required by all domestic and foreign financial institutions. Students develop the ability to analyze and utilize structured data in finance through studying basic concepts and principles for data mining in finance and practice in a hands-on manner with understanding financial data. |
16489 | Financial Information Systems | It examines changes in the financial environment at home and abroad and the types of information systems and information technologies used by financial institutions to achieve organizational goals. In this course, students can learn comprehensive information related to financial information systems such as information system infrastructure, communication, security, and electronic financial transactions. |
16490 | Open Source Software | This course provides students the opportunity to increase the ability to use major open sources, including numpy, matplotlib, and pandas, which are core open sources that can be used in the field of artificial intelligence. |
16684 | Problem solving algorithm | Rather than simply coding programs to solve problems, they train talents who can proceduralize the process of solving problems based on their players' knowledge, experience, and thinking to solve problems presented in stories. |
16488 | Microeconomics | This course introduces basic principles of the market economy such as demand, supply and equilibrium, consumer bahavior theory, production and cost theory, and also lectures on analytically how the allocation of resources under various market structure takes place. |
16491 | Persion System and Policies | This course is made so that students can acquire the ability to understand the types, structures, and financial aspect of public pensions that constitute a pillar of the social security system. The course also teaches the way to utilize the policy aspects for realizing the purpose of public pensions at the working level, along with the theoretical basis. |
16685 | Financial Economics | In this course, we will learn about the basic concepts of the time value of money, risk and return, utility theory, portfolio theory, asset pricing theory and behaviora lfinancial economics, which are the basis for the financial decision making of individual economic agent. |
16759 | Financial Big Data Analysis | Due to the opening of financial infrastructure, introduction of big data, and sharing of financial data, financial big data analysis has become an essential task to create new added value in the financial market. Through this course, students acquire theories and skills to collect, classify, preprocess, transform, store, query, analyze and apply vast amounts of financial data. |
16760 | Text Mining in Finance | This course provides text data analysis and knowledge acquisition methods through the study of various text mining techniques to collect, store, query and analyze financial text data corresponds to the basic ability required by all domestic and foreign financial institutions. Students develop the ability to analyze and utilize unstructured text data in finance through studying basic concepts and principles for text mining in finance and practice in a hands-on manner with understanding financial text data. |
17085 | Theory on Pension Fund Finance | Based on a comprehensive understanding of the financial management of public pension fund, which is distinct from the private fund, this course allows for students to study practical aspects of the investment purpose, the portfolio construction, and risk management that meets the principles and objectives of the public pension fund, along with the theoretical basis. |
17086 | Applicatiopn of Artificial Intelligence and Financial Data | This course provides the basic artificial intelligence(AI) theory that can be used in financial practice including time-series data analysis and visualization techniques. It introduces a method to solve various problems such as stocks and portfolios, trading strategies, bonds, interest rates and other product model using AI algorithms. In addition, this course includes contents for preparing financial reports and establishing policies based on this. Students will cultivate their ability to cope with various problems arising from real life and finance using AI techniques. |
17087 | Electronic Financial Services&Security | Electronic financial services are providing new financial business processes to customers, such as Internet banking and mobile banking, by applying computer and information and communication technologies to existing financial services. Today it offers new opportunities for financial institutions. Students learn information technology, pros and cons, how to use it, and security technology related to this. |
16761 | Investment | In this course, we study on the valuation of securities, focusing on stocks and bonds. Also we investigate the structure of the stock market, the process of trading securities, factors affecting the price of securities, and the stock pricing models. |
17088 | Derivative Securities | Derivatives are products whose value is linked to the price of stocks or bonds or other indicators. Using derivatives, you can manage investment risk, and you can earn high returns by using the leverage effect. In this course, students study the concept of futures and options, which are representative derivatives, and pricing models. |
16762 | Money and Banking | This course lectures on the role of money, interest rate determination, financial system, money supply process and the effect of monetary policy on the economy in order to understand real-world economies systemically. In addition, we will cover the role and effect of monetary policy, prudential regulation, supervision and the |
17409 | Global Fintech and Entrepreneurship | Learn the background of the emergence of the Fintech business model created by the combination of finance and technology, understand the technology used, and learn the activities and contents necessary for successful use. Students also look at the impact of the combination of the financial and IT industries on future financial market changes. |
17410 | Special Topics on Financial Economic Issues | This course analyzes and studies major financial and economic issues in Korea and abroad through various media based on the learning of financial systems and monetary policies from a holistic point of view. |
17170 | Financial Regulations and RegTech | In the financial industry, there are various regulations not only to comply with financial laws but also to manage overall governance and risks, and preemptive responses to financial organizations. Financial regulations are developing to come up with measures to predict risks using big data and artificial intelligence. In this course, students learn LegTech to increase the efficiency of tasks that manage various regulations in finance. |
17411 | Financial Product Marketing | As for a company, not only production but sales are important, and marketing as well as development of financial products is important. In this course, you will learn about various techniques necessary for the business of financial products by expanding the existing marketing theory. |
17171 | Theory on Financial Markets | This course will discuss the functions and efficiency of the financial market, and examine the overall system of the financial market, including the characteristics of various financial situations and securities, transaction principles, and the operation mechanisms of the financial market. |
17172 | Risk Management | Risk management is essential because risk inevitably occurs in business operation or investment. In this course, students learn the concept of risk, such as the type and classification of risk, and study various financial techniques to predict and control it. |
17173 | Blockchain and Currency | This course examines the changes in the economic frame, the impact on the financial market, and the types and functions of currencies due to the emergence of blockchain technology. This includes the basic concepts of blockchain, basic technology, cryptographic technology, cryptocurrency, virtual currency, and changes in the future financial market. |