College of Social Sciences
Social Science is the field of academic scholarship which broadens students’ thoughts and insights and helps them build their ability to present realistic alternatives based on comprehensive judgment, analysis and forecast. The College of Social Science is striving to train talented young people who will play a leading role in diverse fields both in and out of the country in the 21st century. It provides students with intellectual education that cultivates experts who can respond creatively to social changes.
Dept. of Police Science
- Tel. +82-63-220-2424
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Dept. of Library and Information Science
- Tel. +82-63-220-2235
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Dept. of Law
- Tel. +82-63-220-2250
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Dept. of Social Welfare
- Tel. +82-63-220-2426
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Dept. of Counseling Psychology
- Tel. +82-63-220-2267
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Dept. of Public Administration
- Tel. +82-63-220-2258
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Dept. of Police Science
The aim of the department is to train able policemen and public safety experts, who can quickly respond to the social needs, by securing a public safety system through systematizing and rationalizing police administration, through sys-tematic learning of basic theory and practice on crimes and police administration. To accomplish this, while aiming for efficiency and specialization of police administrative work, linking it with close-range academics, academic disciplines on law enforcement (Introduction to Police Administration, Itemized Discussions to Police Administration, Police Infor-mation, Police Transportation, Comparative Police Theory, Police Organization, Police Human Resources, Local Com-munity Police, History of Law Enforcement of Korea, Police Security Theory, Foreign Affairs Police Theory, Methods on Researching Police Theory, etc.), and Criminology (Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Adolescent Criminology, etc.), as well as main law knowledges, such as criminal law, Criminal procedure law, public administration law, etc.
Name | Noh Sungho | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Criminology / Criminal psychology / Juvenile Crime & Juvenile Justice System / Methodology / Penology | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2577 | |
Name | null | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Criminal Law / Criminal Procedure Law / Introduction of Law / Theory of Forensic Investigation / Penology | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2242 | |
Name | Park Jongseung | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Introduction to Police Science / General Theory of Police Science / Special part of police science / Police Personnel Management / Police policy and Administration | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-4728 | |
Name | Shin Sora | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3115 | |
Name | Hong, Seung Pyo | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2028 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
13870 | Introduction to police Science | this lecture is a introduction course of police science, consisting of the historical origin of modern police system, role of police and police system, etc. |
16052 | Introduction to Criminal Justice System | This course aims to understand the issues in criminal justice areas. Taking away from the theoretical classes, it will be easier to understand the practice of criminal justice through various cases such as police, prosecutors, courts, calibration, private security. |
16261 | Theory of Police Investigation | Students study theories and techniques related to police investigation activities, and increase interest and understanding in criminal investigation through case education. |
13871 | introduction to Law | this is a introduction course for study of particular law subjects, consisting of lectures for general law theories, interpretation technique & application, etc. |
16057 | Introduction to Society | This course reviewed to ensure social problems and solutions. Various perspectives and theories of society are reviewed, and considerations of social problems and social pathology. |
13866 | Special part of police science | This course provides an introduction to the functions of law enforcement and theroles of the police in modern society. In greater detail, we will also study the police from several perspectives; historical, sociological, psychological, organizational and political. |
10207 | Criminology | General introduction to crime analyzation from thematic perspective; meaning of crime, crime statistics, and theories of crime causation, crime typology. . |
13934 | General Theory of Police Science | This course provides an introduction to the functions of law enforcement and theroles of the police in modern society. In greater detail, we will also study the police from several perspectives; historical, sociological, psychological, organizational and political. |
17161 | Penology | Penology is an important subfield within criminal law, criminal policy, and criminology, which deals with the study of social control and punishment concerning crime and criminals. The curriculum of penology draws upon research from relevant fields such as law, sociology, psychology, and more, focusing on topics such as correctional systems and institutions, sentencing and punishment, crime prevention, correctional psychology, the history of correctional systems, relevant laws and regulations. |
14694 | Defensive Tactics(1) | Defense-based learning and exercising through martial arts in order to be prepared for the tough police work. |
14695 | Martial arts(2) | To enhance the basal physical fitness for performing police duties and prevetion/suppression of crime. To learn martial arts techniques for police activities |
08706 | Criminal Psychology | In this course students learn not only various theories about criminal motivation, psychology of criminals, and case studies of various type of criminals, but also psychology of law which is about psychology applied in criminal justice procedures. |
16725 | Introduction to Maritime Police | Acquire the theory of maritime police science and acquire basic knowledge about maritime police through cultivation of basic knowledge for the practical application of the theory. Learn about the overview of maritime police science, the development process of maritime police science, administrative management of maritime police, maritime police activities and control, maritime police practice, and tasks of the 21st century Korean maritime police. |
13123 | Constitutional Law | this lecture is consist of the studies about human rights theories, government system, history of constitutional law and politics, etc. |
10935 | Criminal Law(1) | Issues relevant to the contemporary justice system will be discussed. Discussions will focus on a variety of topics, namely law enforcement, courts, and corrections, with the incorporation of aspects from the past, present and future. |
10938 | Criminal Law(2) | This course covers various criminal laws such as homicide, assault, abortion, false imprisonment, kidnapping, rape, libel, heft, robbery, fraud, embezzlement, riot, arson, forgery, perjury, and bribery. |
13408 | Police Law | Provides an overview of Police Administrative Law : the general principles and aims of Police Administrative Law. |
07660 | Theory of Police Personnel Management | It covers staffing, capability development, and stirring up morale for the able police officers with the basic theories about public personnel management |
13124 | Methodology of Police Science | this lecture offers basic methodological & research skill, practice courses for police science. |
13935 | Theory of Science Investigation | This course covers the major components of investigation, with special attention to the real criminal investigation and the management of major cases such as the history of the theories on crime and punishments, analysis of crime problems, and criminal behavior, criticism on decision-making in prosecutions and sentencing, new trends of correction and prisoners' rights. |
13475 | Theory of Police Crime Prevention | The theory of crime prevention is the subjects to offer a basic grounding for police patrol tactics, analysis and preventive tactical ability about cause of crime and the other deviant behaviour or social problems. |
13125 | Juvenile Crime & Criminal Justice System | this lecture is for the study of juvenile crime & criminal justice system |
13128 | Victimology | this is a lecture for role of criminal victims in criminal activities & criminal procedure, protection of criminal victims, etc. |
08509 | History of Korean Police | This subject deals with the nature of major police functions in accordance with the passage of time since the incipience of Korean National Police. |
08650 | Criminal Procedure Law | This course emphasizes the constitutional issues and rules that are applied and enforced by the courts while processing criminal cases such as system and duty of criminal court and prosecuting, rights of the dependent and his counsel, judical control on criminal investigation, process of prosecution, criminal trial, sentencing, appeal and new trial. |
16159 | Police education and training | This course aims to study theoretical knowledge and cases necessary for working-level police activities, and to cultivate the abilities necessary for police officers through practice on local police offices. |
16160 | Police Security Theories | An introductory course for national security, with special attention to how to be a security police servant, how to apply the security theory to real cases, etc. |
14088 | Police Ethics | This course aims to enhance police officer's integrity and responsibility as public servants. To accomplish this goal, this course provide a chance to study basic principle and theory of ethics, to think about a proper scheme to develop police exemplary in policing, and to understand police spiritualism as well as to make an understanding about legal acts related to public officer's ethical issues and the policer |
14177 | Police Science seminar | This course is the basis of the theory of the police administration, academic approach of the Police Administration, Police Administration should seek to values ??and ethics, and police policy and planning, the police organization, management, police, financial management, management of police work, police accountability and control, the last policeadministrative innovation, learning that the vision of the police administration, police governance aims. |
11928 | Private Security | Theoretical study on the importance of private security, the private security laws, personnel security, and automatic security system. |
14749 | Crime Typologies | This class studies traditional crimes such as murder, robbery, burglary, rape, and new crime thypes like terrorism, white-collar crime, organized crime, enterprise crime, and cyber crime. |
16724 | Statistics in Criminal Justice | This course is designed to emphasize the basic uses of statistics in research in social science. This will provide you with an accessible but sophisticated knowledge of statistics that can be employed to examine human behaviors, social problems, and real-life criminal justice problems. You should be able to understand the basic concepts and goals of specifics statistical tests that we cover, but more importantly when to use them and why. |
Dept. of Library and Information Science
Library and Information Science is the basis of all academics, and it interprets and explains the literary information re-sulting from the mediation of all media, knowledge, and information that contains knowledge and information, while systemizing them and reveal their history. Also, it researches the inner and outer workings and history of the various in-formation services and libraries, clarifying to understand the overall flow of production, distribution, collection, organi-zation, storage, and usage of knowledge.
Name | Kim Mee-Jean | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Understanding the Information Comunication / Library Management / School Library Management / Collection and Electronic Resources Management / Information Sources & Services in Science and Technology | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2230 | |
Name | Choi Heung-sik | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2930 | |
Name | Kim Hong Ryul | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Cataloging / Clssification / MARC AND RDA | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2327 | |
Name | SUH Yoojin | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2216 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
16262 | The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Library | Overview the various technological innovations and changes to a more intelligent society resulting from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this class, students understand the changing role and service of libraries, and the future direction of development. They also have the opportunity to consider the mission and chanllenges that librarians should have in the changing information environment. |
05921 | Introduction to Library and Information Science | As enrollment process of the literature information crane it investigates the questionable matter and a history background, the summary synopsis against each subject which composes the literature information crane and the system it understands |
13936 | Reading in Library and Information Science Literature | An introduction to reading the library and information science literature, with special emphasis on the development of reading skills in English. |
16727 | History of information culture | History of information culture is a subject that historically explains human information behavior, that is, a library that preserves, accumulates, and stores data, and investigates and understands the development of information and contents from the historical perspective of human civilization. |
16054 | Understnading the Communication | Analysis and study of general models of communication; the roles of Information and libraries in the total information process. |
12128 | Library Management | Administrative theory, organizational planning, leadership styles, decision making, problem solving, operations research, management information systems, other aspects of the management process applied to libraries. |
09109 | Introdution to Cataloging | Basic principles and practices of cataloging and suitable techniques. Includes descriptive cataloging, selected entry headings, and MARC. |
08589 | introdution to classification | Basic concepts and principles of bibliographic organization and control of information, and the world widely used classification schemes such as DDC and LC. Emphasizes the practice of KDC. |
15275 | Big data and Library | This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems. |
10944 | Information Sources and Services | Survey of information needs, information seeking behavior, and information use by people in their various roles, situations, and contexts. Methods that are used to stydy information needs, uses, and information seeking behavior, including community analysis. |
16267 | Understading and Searching Information Resoures | This course educates advanced survey of information sources and services on online and offline. |
08591 | Information and Copyright | Analysis of present and emerging telecommunications and the relationship to information transfer relating to the copyright issues. In the context of societal change, examination of developments in telecommunications and the implications for libraries/information agencies. |
16728 | Introduction to Information science | Information science investigates the properties and behavior of information, the forces governning the transfer process, and the technology necessary to process information for optimum accessibility and use. |
14610 | School Library Operation | This course ocvers the information services and information literacy for users as well as management techniques of materials, facilities, and equipment at the school library environment |
12461 | Digital Library | Uses of computers for managing library databases and information systems; comparison of approaches to library automation; design, evaluation, and selection of automated systems. |
16265 | Collection Management | Introduction to collection (both print materials and electronic resources) development, evaluation, selection criteria, and tools. Discussion of community analysis, censorship, library standards, and the publishing industry. |
05086 | Information Storage & Retrieval | Identification and analysis of components of information systems; principles and techniques for classifying information needs analysis; operation of manual and automated systems; evaluation of information systems. |
13860 | Public Library Management | Public library management covers topics to promote the planning, staffing, budgeting, educational and cultural program of public library. |
16264 | Consturction on Database | Studies in the theories, methods and techniques of database are essential in modern computer system. Students mainly learn basic concepts, model, and data operation of database and database management system(DBMS). and studends also learn how to use Microsoft Access to build a database. |
16726 | Introduction to Library Law | The Library Act is an important standard for operating a library. Students learn about the human resources, materials, and facility standards of various libraries, as well as regulations on the work of public libraries, university libraries, small libraries, and the National Library of Korea. |
17535 | Introduction to Metadata | This course understand and learn metadata such as MARC, DC, MODS, and GILS. |
08001 | The Bibliography of Humanities and Social Sciences | Practice of comprehensive retrieval about humanities and social science resources and bibliography. |
17083 | Data processing and Analysis | The primary goal of this class is to give students an opportunity to learn about the principles of basic data processing and analysis. Students will be internalized the "problem solving" mindset of basic statistics & research methods and acquired an introductory working knowledge of several quantitative models and techniques(including computer applications such as SPSS). |
16263 | Records management and archives | This course teaches basic concepts of record management and domestic and international cases to enhance our understanding of recor management and archives. Specifically, it teaches the core area of record management and archives: concepts of collection, appraisal and selection, description, information service, archivist, digital preservation. |
13136 | The theory of Library Planning | This course covers planning and evaluation of the library, and it is covers all process related to design and implementation of library services. |
08744 | Reading Instruction | An examination of the overview of various reading activities; criticism and evaluation; contemporary trends and issues. Techniques of reading guidance in school or public libraries in relationship to developmental interests, needs and skills by levels of readers. |
14412 | Construction of Meta Information | This course educates construction of meta information and practice with MARC and KCR. |
17162 | Library Practice Seminar | This course provides practical experience to students about libraries and agencies that related with LOD, XML as a practitioner. |
10942 | Materials Organization | The depth which sees the objection of the classification which relates with a library data system and list the system ability of library data with the deepening process which it treats, it learns the history and a development and my regulation and the systematic back of classification and list concretely and it cultivates. |
06266 | Science and Technology Information Sources | History and development of the sciences information environment; structure, functions, and service patterns; administrative and technical problems. Science and Technology ligerature; information needs, resources, and reference services; networks trends. |
16266 | Information user studies | This course examines the demand and access behavior of knowledge information in various information environments, and the theory of information use. This enhances the understanding of users and have the ability to design effective information services. |
14409 | Capstone Design | capstone design is an professional education course which aims to improve the students' ability on analysis and design of practical industrial problems by use of overall practical knowledge which has been learned in undergraduate program. |
Dept. of Law
The department offers around 50 lecture courses to educate students about a comprehensive and in-depth understand-ing of the law. The faculty consists of outstanding personnels such as lawyers and law examination designers, respond-ing and preparing students for domestic and foreign law school admissions as well as civil servant examinations. Moreo-ver, students are able to obtain 2nd degree certified teacher license upon graduation, if they complete the major as a teaching program.
Name | Ko Jun-seok | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Civil Law / Secured Transactions | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2248 | |
Name | Lee John Girl | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Criminal Law | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3122 | |
Name | Kim, Pyung Key | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Commercial Law, Capital Market Law, Economic law | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2244 | |
Name | Kim, Yoon Hong | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Constitutional Law / Administrative Law | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3023 | |
Name | Soo Hye Cho | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Civil Procedure / Dispute Resolution | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2070 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
16077 | General Principles of Civil Law | This course is based on the theory of civil law and explores and learns according to the order of the law. It compares the theory foreign law, particularly the German law theory, precedent from the Korean court, and the doctrines of domestic scholars. |
14890 | Introduction to Law | This is a introduction course for study of particular law subjects, consisting of lectures for general law theories, interpretation technique and application, etc |
17685 | Law Story | This course explains to students interested in law the basic and general content related to the law, what content to study, how to study, and what jobs they can have after graduation. |
17686 | Introduction to Legal Dispute Resolution | Based on a fundamental understanding of negotiation essential for legal professionals in resolving disputes, this course explores dispute resolution methods such as mediation and arbitration. |
11719 | Human and Society | This is the subject about pedagogics. We will study human and research the effect that human have in our society. |
13134 | Constitutional LAW(1) | It researches the constitution which provides the basic of the nation to be, constitution and comparison of the circumferential countries, It researches with it sees our constitution it will be able to grasp more clearly. Specially, 21 century of International and globalization about under preparing understands the constitution of the circumferential countries the thing is important. |
05197 | Law of Property | With transfer it follows in order of code of laws and it lectures, for a continent Buddhist priest's robe general objection gain and loss it endeavors and together that objection and Korean Buddhist priest's robe actuality and comparison and it investigates. |
10136 | Constitutional LAW(2) | It researches the constitution which provides the basic of the nation to be, constitution and comparison of the circumferential countries, It researches with it sees our constitution it will be able to grasp more clearly. Specially, 21 century of International and globalization about under preparing understands the constitution of the circumferential countries the thing is important. |
06659 | General Principles of Criminal Law | It researches a fundamental concept and the basic principle regarding a crime and a punishment and it follows analysis it investigates the application back of crime formation important matter, lineage important matter and the elder brother in the objection system and. |
07982 | Law of Corporation | The law regarding the stock company which is a representative enterprise form of the joint enterprise from founding the company it continues in the center, Before reaching to a disappearance, process systematically under investigating the man with underdeveloped genital organ. |
11717 | Economy and society | his is the subject about pedagogics. We will study economy and research the effect that economy have in our society |
08197 | General Principles of Commercial Law and Commercial Transaction | The movement the merchant who is an economic life which accomplishes the concept and a history and the base of commercial law and an idea research and an enterprise subject and the research regarding the human material supporter and the enterprise discipline regarding an act it it investigates. |
13028 | Cirizenship Education and Social Ethics | ‘Civic education and social ethics‘ is a course to learn teaching methods about the awareness and the value judgments of morality citizens should cultivate in a pluralistic society. This course will cover the whole matter of the general theories of Social Ethics and Civic Education. |
06443 | General Principles of Contracts & Torts | It examines social meaning and the object of Tortionus Law. And formation of relationship of bond, Regarding the effect fringe land and a disappearance it lectures systematically. |
05376 | General Principles of Administrative Law | As the domestic public law regarding the system and an action and a administrative relief of administrative right the administrative action law, the administrative system law, it is divided with the administrative relief law back, it researches the concrete contents and the entity operation. |
06502 | Particulars of Criminal Law | It analyzes the formation element and a punishing regulation of individual crime composition important matter and it investigates and in conceptual decision of each crime shedding of blood and the instance problem of fact it follows with practice it treats. |
13412 | International Law(1) | It investigates the definition and legal character of international law, after trying to observe the origin of international law in the center a treaty, students studies regarding the nation and the international body, the subjects on international law, national territory, and public. |
07215 | Insurance & Maritime Law | It follows a maritime law and the insurance law in the actual condition legal system and it researches. Namely damage insurance, Life insurance, Accident insurance, Liability insurance, It investigates the re-insurance back and it is a marine transport, Marine transport contract, It investigates the bill of lading joint disaster at sea structural vessel preferential privilege back. |
09255 | Educational Theory of social studies | The subject which it sees the reserve teachers takes charge of a site education from the secondary school and to be analysis and the reflection against a social subject and a social education actual condition it will lead and it will cultivate it will be able to cultivate a problem solving ability and the temperament of the teacher in order, there is a place. |
14902 | Methods and Materials in Social studies Teaching of Education | This subject social studying contents of the secondary school the studying map the temperament of the teacher and to cultivate the ability the possibility of doing in order there to be reserve teachers with the fact that in objective it becomes the opinion river with subject pedagogy subject and the society and a teaching material research and a map method to cultivate the studying map the possibility of doing in order to be, there is a place. |
05324 | Law of Bills of Exchange,Promissory Notes & Checks | The bill check as the means for the urgent settlement of the money as complete Yoo hateful volume it is used secures the circulation characteristic and the urgent it is positive and guaranteeing the bill law and check Buddhist priest's robe basic idea is a possibility of doing. |
14609 | Humanity and Administration | Review the history of the theory of human nature, and actively arrried out in order to realize the national of public interest purposes, and lectures for the aggressive acts of state administration. |
05378 | Particulars of Contracts & Torts | Occurrence cause contract and office management and unjust profit of relationship of bond, regarding an illegal operation the application ability of the principle it investigates the time system questionable matter and a nature and improvement khey it does. |
06497 | Family - Succession Law | Family Buddhist priest's robe past and present time it cabinets to a modern time family law objection and it lectures, with this it searches the specific law of Korea together and it puts out and to sleep with to reveal true feelings grudge Korean family law norm it does. |
06494 | Particulars of Administrative Law | Contents of the administrative legal general remarks which accomplishes the basic activity contents of national public administrative organization from there is to section star administrative action and it examines and it is a subject for. |
13531 | Criminal Procedure(1) | It researches the basic structure regarding the court instance of criminal case crime and it follows hereupon and the system logical interpretation against the regulations of the existing law it attempts. |
13532 | Criminal Procedure(2) | It researches the basic structure regarding the court instance of criminal case crime and it follows hereupon and the system logical interpretation against the regulations of the existing law it attempts. |
06311 | Civil Procedure | The system, it understands a civil suit Buddhist priest's robe synopsis objectivity. The contents classifies with lawsuit subject Ron, lawsuit object Ron, lawsuit act Ron, a lawsuit and a sound argument and it advances. |
06175 | Economic Law | It regulates the governmental control about the private economic activity and restrain the entrepreneurial excessive economic activity. |
11718 | Culture and society | Cultural studies the effects of human behavior and cosial change and learn the holistic thinking through a cross-cultural framework. |
13414 | Civil Execution Law | This study goes over each procedure of the obligatory execution by referring to the application forms in the examples of the court. |
13533 | Law of the Capital Market | The purpose of the Capital Market Act is to understand the corporate system, capital market structure, and protection system for capital market participants through the purpose of regulation on the capital market and learning the system. |
05327 | Politics and society | Select the important issues of general and political explain the causality deals with future prospects. |
14471 | The Prison law | prison law is Imprisonment, the death penalty, prisons, and telling the whole of the legal norms prescribed for the execution of any other kaffir business, this course is for you to understand and study. |
06500 | Criminal Policy | Present condition of crime it leads and it researches a cause, depends hereupon and it is a study which considers the countermeasure for the prevention of crime. It refers consequently and hereupon it lectures. |
Dept. of Social Welfare
Social worker is one of the most promising jobs of the future, and at the department of Social Welfare, we are commit-ted to fostering competent human resources with the ability to obtain the 1st degree social welfare license, while also allowing for students to obtain child care licenses through the linked major program with the Department of Child care. Also, through operations of mock exams, special lectures, seminars, and small-sized study groups, the department does its best to aid in providing the opportunity to learn. Moreover, through the College of Social Science’s e-welfare center, students are able to learn the practical aspects of social work, and department also operates small-scale in-depth pro-grams, by inducing participation in team projects and devising specialized education by years.
Name | Yoon Chan-young | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Social Welfare and Law / Introduction to Social Welfare / History of Social Welfare / Social Security / The Self-Support Policies | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2318 | |
Name | Kang Heung-gu | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2931 | |
Name | HONG, HYUN MEE LA | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3076 | |
Name | Kim Kwang Hyuk | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Child Welfare / Introduction to Social Welfare / Research Methods in Social Welfare / School Social Work | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3193 | |
Name | OH, DANNY | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2245 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
16072 | Social Problems | Social welfare system is considered as one of major social measurements for the social problems in the industry society. In the course students are trained to approach theoretically and analyse empirically various social problems. Students are also required to discuss the structural background and the solution plans of the social issues in Korea. |
16074 | Understading Human | This course offers a comprehensive psychological knowledge, helping students to possess a profound and objective understanding of human. This course are to increase the students’ psychological understanding of human and to provide models for their analysis and treatment. |
17806 | Road to Welfare state | Recently, our country's economic level is on the path to joining the ranks of advanced countries, and the level of social welfare is also improving compared to the past. Our country's social welfare began relying on foreign support after the Korean War. However, since the foundation of the welfare state was laid through the democratic uprising in 1987, the welfare system was strengthened to overcome the economic crisis in the late 1990s, and has continued to develop until now. Accordingly, we would like to provide students who choose the Department of Social Welfare with basic learning opportunities to understand the welfare state and the characteristics of the Department of Social Welfare. |
15981 | Introduction to Social Welfare | This course provides the knowledge, skill, value of social welfare to the students who start to study social welfare. |
06750 | Human Behavior and Social Environment | Human Behavior and Social EnvironmentThis course provides students with theological foundation of human behavior and development which is fundamental knowldege of the social welfare. In specific, students examine various dimensions of human behavior and social environment and interaction between them as well. |
08229 | Child Welfare | Child WelfareThe course is designed to produce social welfare practitioners in the filed of child welfare. The program introduces students to the concepts, history, policies, system of the child welfare, related services, practice and necessary skills |
08593 | Skills and Techniques for Social Work Practice | Skills and Techniques for Social Work PracticeThis course places a focus on the various actual models, skills, techniques and directions of social work practices that are required for effective social welfare practitioners in order to facilitate social functions of individual, groups and families. Various case studies and role-plays are employed in order to apply learned skills and knowledge into authentic contexts. Those skills and knowledge are also evaluated in real-like situations as well. |
08228 | Theories of Social Work Practice | Theories of Social Work PracticeThis course examines fundamental knowledge with regard to social practice in general and actual social work practices in families and groups. It also examines the philosophies and values of social work practices, integrated approaches, relationship among social work practices, interview skills, process and case studies of the social work practices |
05805 | Research Methods in Social Welfare | Research Methods in Social WelfareThe Course focuses on the fundamental concepts and theories about the research methods in social welfare. It shows limits of measurement-oriented research methods and suggests quality-oriented ways of undertaking research. |
07074 | Social Welfare Adminstration | Social Welfare AdministrationThis course provides students with fundamental understanding of social welfare organizations and its related system of how social welfare systems are actually operated. Students are also provided with the necessary knowledge and skills required for management and operation of social welfare organizations. |
08537 | Community Welfare & Practice | Community Welfare and PracticeThe course leads students to understanding of community welfare and development of necessary skills for social welfare practitioners. In order to achieve the goal, it provides the students with various issues and concepts such as local community, local community welfare, and realization of local community welfare. |
06777 | Social Services for the Elderly | The course is concerned with development and operation of social programs and services for the senior citizens. Students will be provided with a broad knowledge of programs and policies of the social services for senior citizens. |
14413 | Theories of Welfare State | This course will cover various aspects of welfare state, that is, welfare state characteristics and its origins, welfare state development history, theories on welfare state development, welfare state typology, criticism and response of welfare state. |
16270 | History of Social Welfare | This course search for the environment, process and factors of history of social welfare according to countries and era. |
16268 | Social Welfare and Humanrights | To understand human rights as the basic value of social welfare and to learn about related practices and institutions. |
07772 | Social Welfare for Disabled | Social Welfare for the DisabledSocial Welfare for the Disabled is considered as one dimension of social welfare system. The course introduces the students to the general ideas and knowledge in the related field in order to equip the students with fundamental academic background and skills required for social welfare practitioners in the filed of social welfare for the disabled |
15790 | School Social Work | Understand the importance and the principle of educational social project, and experimental partner, methods, and systems for resolving the problems such as school violence and misdeed of students. |
11785 | Case Management | In this course, students learn the knowledge, skills and techniques of the case management. It teaches the concepts, model, process, as well as the case management practice. |
05801 | Social Welfare Policy | Social Welfare PolicyThis course lays conceptual foundation for key ideas and issues of social welfare policies It also examines relationship between social welfare policy and related sciences in order to further expand students' understanding in the field. Students also examine relationship between social welfare policy and its actual practice and welfare countries which are considered to be final outomes of social welfare policies. |
08592 | Social Work Practicum | This course allows students to apply acquired values, ethics and skills into the real context through internship. During internship, the students get much opportunity to enrich their knowledge and skills required for professional social welfare practitioner. |
08731 | Program Development and Evaluation | Program Development and EvaluationThe course is arranged with program planning, operation, and evaluation programs that are expected to train the students to deliver related services more effectively through various available programs. |
05173 | Social Security | Social SecurityStudents are led to an understanding of the status, concepts, and developmental process of social security operated in the various welfare states. The various social security systems of South Korea and other advanced countries are dealt with as well. |
16271 | Social Economic Theory | This course helps students to understand social policy and practices such as workfare and social economics. And it deals with various cases in social economic and social services. |
15792 | Social Work in Health Care | The course aims at providing the students with the knowledge and skills required by medical and health organizations for social work in health care for patients. The students examine psychological and economical factors that affect patients and family members and learn to provide the alternatives and measures for the identified problems. |
16075 | Social Work in Mental Health | This course is designed to help students understand mental health and mental disorder, and various approaches to individual clients and their families with mental problems. We will explore special issues related to mental health act, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and human rights. Finally effective and useful intervention methods for them are discussed. |
08540 | Social welfare with youth | This course allows students to understand youth. Also, the students are will learn social service and policy, system. During this couse, the students get much skills acquired for professional social welfare practitioner. |
15980 | Social Welfare and Law | An appropriate approach to legal dimension of the social welfare system requires legal knowledge. That is, students in this filed are expected to approach to the social welfare with legal mind and concepts. Accordingly, this course deals with various issues and concepts with regard to the legal aspect of the social welfare and its related laws as well. |
08728 | Social Work Practice Ethics | Social Work Practice EthicsIt introduces students to the fundamental values and philosophies required to understand the social welfare and the ethics that social welfare practitioners need to have. |
06773 | Family Welfare | Family Welfare - This course introduces to the value and essential concepts of family socail work. Its history, family polices and systems are discussed with social services in the field. This course offers students also the social work pratice methods and advances skills. |
17687 | International Social Welfare | The class will develop global citizenship awareness to solve global community problems such as poverty, refugees, and climate change, as well as case-based and team project learning to solve international social problems. |
13661 | Seminar on social welfare | This course is for senior students. The course is a study on mail subject of social welfare practically. |
13662 | Seminar on social welfare | This course is for senior students. The course is a study on mail subject of social welfare practically. |
11786 | Data Analysis for Socail Welfare | Data analysis for Socail WelfareThis course helps to analyse the data of the social welfare practice and studies. |
09214 | Social Work Practicum | Social Work PracticumThis course allows students to apply acquired values, ethics and skills into the real context through internship. During internship, the students get much opportunity to enrich their knowledge and skills required for professional social welfare practitioner. |
16269 | Industrial Social Welfare | Based on the analysis of measures for labor problems arising in the course of industrialization, and new social relationships in the workplace, the methodologies for national welfare, corporate welfare, workers' self-reliance welfare and industrial social welfare are studied. |
05174 | Women and Social Welfare | Women and Social WelfareStudents are exposed to the various theories and actual practices concerning the problems of women and trained to be professional social welfare practitioners who are expected to work in the field of the women and social welfare. The course examines the women that are alienated from social welfare system through the method of social science and discusses the social welfare politics for women. |
15190 | Volunteer theory | The concept of volunteering, necessity, and characteristics is changing according to the trend of the times.They also need professional services, not simple service, but expertise and specialty.In this curriculum, we approach the basic concepts of volunteer work to gain a systematic approach to managing the efficiency and effectiveness of volunteer work. |
Dept. of Counseling Psychology
Counseling Psychology is a study of professional practice divided into two major divisions, aimed at fostering site-specific expert helpers able to work in various fields, where the ‘counseling’ is to assist consultees who need help with problems such as psychological conflict, relationships, career and academic considerations, and ‘psychology’ is a fun-damental study for human understanding. The department offers StarTrack courses aimed at obtaining professional licenses including professional counseling, youth counseling, career counseling, and clinical psychology, such as nursery homes, as well as practical education utilizing the school’s counseling centers, counseling education research institute, counseling practice labs, etc., tailored to student’s career goals.
Name | Kim In Gyu | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Educational Counseling | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2495 | |
Name | Kim Myung Shig | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Clinical Psychologist / ; Mental Health(Individual & Social) / Addiction, / Developmental Psychopathology | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2035 | |
Name | Lee Ho-Joon | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Youth counseling / Parent education | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3258 | |
Name | Ha Jung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Psychologist / Psychotherapy / Career Counseling | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2921 | |
Name | Hong Jiyoung | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | 1. Adolescent Counseling / 2. Family therapy / 3. Counseling Supervision | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2826 | |
Name | Kwon Hoin | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | - | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-4666 | |
Name | Kim Yeonsoo | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | Developmental Psychology, Development during Adulthood, Learning Psychology, Understanding of Person | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-3104 | |
Name | Lim Jaeseo | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Cognitive Psychology, Learning Sciences, Methodologies in Psychology, Psychological Statistics | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2297 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
05734 | Introduction to Psychology | The basic theories and recent researches of psychology will be studied. Biological, perceptual, cognitive psychology will be basically reviewed and discussed. |
16731 | understanding of human psychology | This course offers a comprehensive psychological knowledge, helping students to possess a profound and objective understanding of human. This course are to increase the students’ psychological understanding of human and to provide models for their analysis and treatment. |
17688 | Basics of Counseling Psychology | This course is an introductory course designed to help students gain a foundational understanding of the counseling psychology major and to provide an early experience with key concepts and theories in counseling psychology. It offers a basic understanding of the field of psychology, including counseling psychology. |
11504 | Psychological Statistics | Psychological Statistics Study the basic information and application of psychological sttistics. And the much emphasis is on the main psychological tests. |
16056 | Counseling and Culture | This subject is to understand the major counseling theories and concepts, study the characteristics of current culture |
11502 | Personality Psychology | Personality PsychologyStudy the historical and psychological foundations of personality theory; current theory and research; role of intelligence, temerament, and social structure. |
10948 | counseling theory and practice | This subject is to understand the major counseling theories and concepts, study the characteristics of important techniques, and learn how to improve counseling skills. |
11505 | Abnormal Psychology | Abnormal Psychology Study the various pathologies and abnornal psychological theories such as thought disorder, mood disorder, and anxiety disorder, etc. |
11500 | Learning Psychology | Learning PsychologyIntroduce to behavioral science approach to motivation, learning, and memory. Topics include instinct, associative learning, operant conditioning, concept formation, animal intelligence, and memory. |
10037 | Family Counseling | Examine family dynamics of how family members coordinate with one another and what makes some ways of coordinating better than others. Also survey influence and communication in their relationships. |
13857 | Health Psychology | Health Psychology is the subject, which enhance the counseling ability and career development of students majoring in couneling psychology. |
11501 | Developmental Psychology | Developmental PsychologyStudy the various human developmental changes such as body, perception, cognition, brain, intelligence, creativity, sociability, ego, sex-role, etc. |
15278 | Rights and Welfre of Child | Through this course, students will learn basic concepts and principles of rights and welfare of children including general, disabled, poverty, and abused children. Futhermore, students can acquire the wide understanding about social phenomena, policies and regulations, projects, facilities and the future prospects in the children-related realms. |
14173 | Teaching Method for Infant | Teaching Method for Infant introduces and study various teachings and educations for Infant. The specificity and efficiency will be addressed and investigated. |
17536 | Cognitive Psychology | How does the mind arise, and how does it function?" Cognitive psychology seeks to answer such questions by using scientific methods to explain the mechanisms of the mind and human thought processes. Through this course, we will explore in detail how humans perceive, remember, learn, and think about information. |
10041 | Counseling exceptional children | Teach the types, causes and phenomena of exceptionality and discuss the effective counseling methods for exceptional children. |
12464 | Counseling Skill | Mass media and Communication skill related to counseling will be studied and learned, in order to counseling techniques and knowledge. |
10053 | Counseling Practice | The Understanding and the ability of counseling practice will be enhanced by experiencing and practicing the works related to counseling set. |
11790 | Psycholocal Assessment | Psychological Assessment Introduce the various standardized testing tools and the using method and interview skills utilizing the test results. |
12463 | Counseling Practical works | The working with counseling list and format, networking with counseling-related institutes and other community organization will be studied and investigated. |
15279 | Developmenatal Psychology of Adulthood and Elderlyhood | Due to the increase in life expectancy, the importance of adulthood and old age development is increasing. Overview of human development, covering the adulthood and elderlyhood of the individual. Includes the basic concepts and principles of physical, cognitive, and social development at each major stage of life: young adulthood, middle adulthood, and old age. We aim to have insight to prepare for aging society by widening understanding about life-span development. |
15867 | Child Counseling | Child Counseling is the medical institution learns the developmental characteristics of children according to their physical and psychological changes, counseling methods, counseling processes, and counseling techniques for children. |
15868 | Addiction Counseling | Addiction Counseling is understand the concept and characteristics of addiction and to learn counseling approach to prevention and intervention of addiction. |
10038 | Career Counseling | Career CounselingIntroduce the theories of career choice and deveopment as well as curruent career counseling theories. Also the students can review the way to help the clients in the various career problems. |
11791 | Counseling of Adolescents | Counseling of Adolescents Study the psychological and psychological`developmental charateristics of children and youths. And introduce the counseling methods and theoretical issues appropriate for children and youths. |
16300 | Research Methods in Counseling psychology | Explore research design and data analysis methods for conducting research in the field of counseling. Compliance includes a study regarding the research problem, objectives, selecting appropriate sampling method and sampling number, the research design. |
10044 | Group Counseling | Introduce group counseling theories, and encourage to experience basic skills of group counseling. |
12313 | Practice of Nurture | The practie of nurture is the subject, in which training and practice are testified finally. In counseling area, knowledge and information related to nurture will be applied and practiced to real field of nurture |
13858 | parent education and counseling | The course for studying the principles and practices of the parent education and counseling with the understanding of parent role for healthy growth and development of children and adolescents. |
15866 | Social Psychology | Social psychology understands and explains the various social phenomena that affect human behavior in the psychological dynamics of individuals and groups, and understands the narrator through the understanding of social phenomena. |
16730 | industrial & organizational psychology | It is a field of psychology that deals with human behavior within an organization. Includes job and work motivation, job satisfaction, leadership, communication organization immersion, and workplace interpersonal relationships. Industrial psychology focuses on and focuses on human behavior and emotions expressed in human workplaces, and will contribute to improving the welfare of organizations and employees based on scientific research on them. |
15890 | Filed Study and Practice in Clinical, Counseling Setting | Field study and practice in clinical, counseling setting are mainly for knowledge and practices. Basic understanding, skill training, and sense of practice will be taught. |
11316 | Clinical Psychology | Clinical psychology is composed of psychological test, research, and psychotherapy. The basic concepts and applied subjects will be studied and investigated. |
14175 | Capstone Design | Capstone design is the subject, which aims to enhance the students' ability on analysis and design of practical counseling program by use of overall counseling knowledge and abilities which has been learned in undergraduate program. |
Dept. of Public Administration
Studies of Public Administration is both a comprehensive and an applicable field of study, as well as a practical, and a change management academic. The department aims to educate and train hard working experts with project manage-ment skills, reasonable problem-solving skills, and the ability to respond to active change. In particular, it offers a variety of programs geared towards improving the quality of students, while focusing on fostering experts required by public institutions.
Name | Leem Sung-jin | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | Environmental Policy / Policy Studies / Conflict Management & Negotiation | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2713 | |
Name | Oh Jae Rok | ||
Position | Professor | |||
Specializations | 정부와 권력(Government and Power) / 관료제와 민주주의(Bureaucracy and Democracy) / 정부와 지혜(Administration and Philosophy) / 정책규제론(Government Regulation) / 생활속의 권력(Power in everyday life) | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2432 | |
Name | JUN, DAESUNG | ||
Position | Associate Professor | |||
Specializations | The Theory of Public Organization, Human Resources Management, Research Methods for Public Administration, Policy of Intelligent Society, Immigration Policy, | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2073 | |
Name | Kim Min Young | ||
Position | Assistant Professor | |||
Specializations | Introduction to public administration, Research Method, Organizational Behavior, Regional Development, Seminar in public administration | |||
Contact | +82-63-220-2378 | |
Course No. | Course Name | Course Information |
17689 | Policy and Society(II) | This course is designed to promote students’ understanding of the policymaking system, by studying the nature and characteristics of policy and society and analyzing various policy examples. |
16053 | Policy and Society | This course is designed to promote students’ understanding of the policymaking system, by studying the nature and characteristics of policy and society and analyzing various policy examples. |
17164 | English for Public Administration(I) | The purpose of this course is to cultivate English literacy (reading, writing, speaking) skills that can be used in administrative practice in accordance with the changes in the administrative environment required by the global era. Based on English books related to public administration, the curriculum includes reading comprehension, writing, and conversational programs to equip public talent with English and international practical skills. |
16736 | Introduction to Public Administration (II) | This course is to understand the concept and identity of public administration, the environment surrounding public administration, and examine the development process of public administration based on the relationship between administration, politics, and management, and market and government failures. Moreover, basic concepts such as organization, personnel administration, finance, locality, and policy, that are major elements of public administration, are acquired while cultivating knowledge for in-depth study. |
16735 | Introduction to Public Administration(I) | This course provides basic concepts and approaches to understand public administration. In other words, students acquire basic knowledge about modern administration focusing on the concept of administration, essence of public management, relationship between administration and the environment, and administrative values. |
13878 | Public agency theory | This course covers the basic theory behind public institutions and aims to understand the operating systems of public institutions in Korea. |
13928 | Public Organization Theory | This course provides a chronological analysis of modern theories about objects, structures, and constituents of administrative organizations. Students will study the behaviors of organizational constituents. |
17537 | Power and Wisdom | Just as Energy is a fundamental concept in physics, Power is a fundamental concept in social science and public administration. Power is a core concept in public administration, political science, law, philosophy, history, literature, business administration, sociology, psychology, and organizational studies. Power exists in a very important aspect in everyday life. Power exists in romantic relationships, marital relationships, friendships, family relationships, and even in the hierarchical and horizontal relationships of organizations. This course aims to help students understand this world of power and explore ways to sublimate it into the wisdom of administration and the wisdom of life. |
14345 | local self-goverment | This course investigates regional government, defining a region as a local, self-governing administrative division. It explores the composition of regional governments, types of residents, regional administrative units, the center of power in regional administrations, and public financing for regional government. Regional public enterprises and their relationship with the regional government are examined. |
11932 | Administrative Law | This course explores the field of administrative law from the perspective of the present-day welfare state, in which administration depends on the characteristics of citizens, who demand recognition. Through providing a basic overview of administrative law, it introduces academic knowledge, objections to the model, and various leading judicial precedents. It also explores potential applications of administrative law. |
11933 | Administrative Law(2) | This introduction to law covers the administrative measures, remedies, and laws that apply to administrative organizations through the examination of differences between private and public law. |
17165 | English for Public Administration(II) | The purpose of this course is to cultivate English literacy (reading, writing, speaking) skills that can be used in administrative practice in accordance with the changes in the administrative environment required by the global era. Based on English books related to public administration, the curriculum includes reading comprehension, writing, and conversational programs to equip public talent with English and international practical skills. |
17414 | Research Methods for Public Administration(1) | This course introduces the empirical research methods and techniques applicable to social sciences. The topics covered in this course are the nature of scientific knowledge, techniques and principles of measurement, sample surveys, experimental design, and other investigative procedures and techniques. |
16737 | Principle of Public Administration (I) | This course provides general public administration theories such as the essence of public administration, the relationship between politics and administration, the essence of management, a wide range of issues related to organization, personnel, and finance, administrative responsibility, and policy formation. Individually, the course aims to understand the principles of administrative organization, policy formation and execution, financial understanding, personnel administration principles, and the value of local autonomy. |
16738 | Principle of Public Administration(II) | This course provides public administration theories such as administrative (including administrative reform), policy, and organization theories, personnel and financial administration, administrative ethics and control, local administration and governance (including NGOs), e-government, and public services. In particular, it allows students who are preparing for various public office selections to explore the knowledge of public administration theory and practice. |
05093 | Adminisrtative Behavior | This course investigates the organizational behavior and leadership skills required for organizational management. The curriculum focuses on people in organizations and their behavior and motivations, including learning, conflict, power, leadership, organizational change, and organizational culture. In particular, the course focuses on important modern leadership styles. In addition, government organizational behavior is explored at individual, group, and organizational levels to systematically understand human behavior and attitudes within public organizations. |
13931 | Public personnel administration | This course focuses on traditional and contemporary issues involving human resource management within public sectors and incorporates theory and practice into areas such as human-resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, compensation, benefits and promotion, career planning and staff development, labor relations, discipline, and control structures. |
13930 | Public Finance Administration | This course examines the theory and practice of public budgeting and its relationship to the administrative processes of control, management, and planning. A special emphasis is placed on the types and scope of government expenditures; the fiscal role of government in a mixed economy, sources of governmental revenue; and administrative, political, and institutional aspects of the budget and budgetary process. |
14884 | Culture Administration | This course explores the following questions related to cultural administration. What is culture? Should the government intervene to influence the development of a nation’s culture and art? How do recent social changes affect cultural policy? In any cultural context, should the government implement policies that focus on and direct administrative culture? |
13881 | Social Welfare Administration | This course examines administrative efforts to improve quality in a modern, growth-oriented administration. It considers the decision to implement administrative changes actively, rather than passively. To grasp the purpose of public-welfare administration in Korea, students will examine the theoretical background of soybean production and the underlying rationale of this approach. |
17300 | Performance management | Assessing the effectiveness of public programs is the answer to many issues with which public officials are struggling. It is part of the effort to improve the productivity of public programs, a strategy to strengthen the coordination of different agencies and the programs they manage. And it is a critical element in the public’s discourse with their elected officials about the role and purpose of government programs. With so many different goals, there is a risk that performance management becomes oversold. Assessing what performance management is, what it is best at, how to make it work, and what impacts it might have are the goals of the course. Students will learn about the context of performance management. They will develop skills in measuring public programs. |
17412 | Civil Service Inovation | This course focuses on traditional and contemporary issues involving human resource management within public sectors and incorporates theory and practice into areas such as human-resource planning, recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, compensation, benefits and promotion, career planning and staff development, labor relations, discipline, and control structures. |
14885 | Policy Theory | This course covers the basic logic behind the development of a general policy and the process of analyzing its essence, administrative requirements, and political implications. |
15511 | Intelligent Information Society and Public Administration | This course provides theories and practical agendas on the government’s role in institutional change for societal and government informatization. Also, it covers the modern trend toward intelligent information societies, governmental change in a heavily networked environment, and information security, e-government value, strategic planning, organization, budgeting process and so on. Furthermore, it focuses on Korea’s experience and vision and includes overseas cases. |
10986 | Regional Development | This course explores f approaches to the promotion of socioeconomic development at the regional and local levels. It also investigates various theories and cases of developmental planning relevant to Korean foreign and domestic policy. |
17538 | Research Methods for Public Administration(II) | This course introduces the empirical research methods and techniques applicable to social sciences. The topics covered in this course are the nature of scientific knowledge, techniques and principles of measurement, sample surveys, experimental design, and other investigative procedures and techniques. |
16733 | Negotiation and Public Conflict Management | This course teaches how to find useful negotiation, conflict management strategies, and measures to resolve public conflicts more effectively while various conflicts emerge in each sector of the society as democratization, informatization, and globalization progress. Based on the spread of awareness on the importance of negotiation and conflict management, research on the origin and ideology of conflict theory, causes and types of public conflicts, measurement of public conflict levels, management and performance of public conflicts, prevention and resolution of conflicts, and negotiation. It examines theories and techniques related to significance, public negotiation strategies, and negotiation process. |
14171 | Environmental Policy | This course helps students better understand the role of government in pursuing a balance between economic development and environmental protection and examines an array of administrative and political issues in the area of environmental policy in domestic and international settings. |
17084 | Understanding National Competency Standards | This course seeks to train students to become effective practitioners in many workplaces around the globe. National Competency Standard(NCS) are essential to the implementation of the Training Package and the standards are the basis of the nationally recognized classifications. Based on the understating of NCS, the students will have the capacity to develop their analytical skills that would equipped them with the necessary and relevant knowledge and attitudes needed to perform in a particular occupation. |
13014 | Public Regulations | This course examines a set of closely related issues, including the rationale for a regulation, types of regulatory policies, and the makeup and choice of regulatory tools from rational and political perspectives. |
17163 | government and power | Through historical and ideological consideration of the background of the emergence of government in human history, we take an in-depth look at issues such as governance, domination, power, government, and regulation, and consider how government and power are expressed today. |
13933 | Government and corporate | This course deals with various aspects of the public-enterprise, such as motives for incorporation. The lectures cover comparative studies of other nations, public interest, and the spirit of enterprise, organizations, administration, investment, and privatization, etc. |
17413 | Government and Philosophy | The idea of government means the establishment of society upon certain rules or laws, and the idea of absolute liberty means that anyone can do whatever the pleases. by the social compact to create a government, humans escaped from the state of nature. But the executive can be an association having an interest of its own. This subject explores the wisdom and the thought related to this. |
06697 | Korean Government Administration | This course explores the Korean political system and the effectiveness of the administration in its mission to achieve recognition as an advanced nation. Students will discuss the Korean administrative model and the search for an administrator who can lead Korea and cultivate talented individuals, capable of planning for national growth and public prosperity. |
09097 | Administrative Reform and Competitiveness | This course examines governmental or policy failure and the multi-branch renovation plan designed to improve the functions, role, culture, ceremonies, system, and structure needed for a maintenance of a popular government. |
16734 | Seminar in Public Administration Theory | This course is a process of synthesizing the theory and practice of each public administration theory. It aims to enhance the understanding of public administration in general by selecting and discussing the main contents of public administration. |