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[전주대신문 제939호 10면, 업로드일: 2024년 5월 22일(수)] Jeonju University Opens 60th Anniversary Special Exhibition The Jeonju University Museum (President Park Jin-bae) announced on May 1 that it held a special exhibition called to mark the 60th anniversary of its opening in 2024. This special exhibition was designed as a unique content unique to the university museum as an exhibition and experience with community members such as university members, local residents, and related organizations with gratitude for the 60th anniversary of its opening. In particular, under the common theme of “One grain of wheat, falling to Jeonju University,” a Korean paper craft exhibition will be held in May with the department of Korean paper culture and industry, and in September, you can see Jeonju University’s development over the past 60 years, focusing on university teacher data. First, the Hanji Crafts Exhibition, which opened in May, consists of 25 artists, including professors, graduates, and graduate students from the Department of Hanji Culture Industry at Jeonju University’s Graduate School of Culture and Industry, to discover the beauty and potential of Hanji, which combines the past and present. Park Hyun-soo, director of the museum, said, “This exhibition of Hanji crafts has been organized in connection with the 60th anniversary of the opening of the school with the purpose of being with members, students, and local residents in the university in line with the 24-year policy task of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.” “I think it is a good opportunity to promote the excellence and utility of Hanji through various Hanji crafts, and I want to contribute to revitalizing the community by providing exhibition spaces to members and students in the university.” For more information on viewing this special exhibition and other details, contact Jeonju University’s Academic Research Center (063-220-2158). article Jeonju University Museum translated by reporter Kwon Ju-ik(ehehtk@jj.ac.kr) Managing Editor Hwang Yohan * 인용 가능(단, 인용시 출처 표기 바람)
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